
Governor Bala Abdulkadir Muhammad


M.I Abubakar writes from Bauchi

Bauchi State Governor Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed has been commended for wise selection during the recent series of appointments given to some merited personalities in the State.
The commendation was made by the Provost A.D Rufa’i College Of Education, Legal and General Studies Misau Dr. Auwal Ibrahim Amba during an inaugural meeting with the newly constituted Governing Council of the College.
Dr. Amba thanked His Excellency the Executive Governor, Senator Bala Muhammad Abdulkadir (Kauran Bauchi) for appointing Barrister Almustapha Sulaiman Hassan as the Council Chairman and his Members considering the composition and caliber of people in the Board.
Moreover, Dr. Amba described the Council Chairman as Honest and man of integrity that can help him to repositioning the College to be ranked as the best College not only in the State but in the federation in view of his vast experiences.
Highlighting successes recorded under his leadership Dr. Amba said since inception into the office of the Provost on 1st January 2018 his administration has succeeded in settling some outstanding debts, construction of new Gate, Printing Press and Bakery to boost the IGR of the College, migration of the College from Analog to Digital Platform, secured additional Manpower through transfer of service, introduction of degree and more NCE and Diploma programs etc. while some of the problems facing the College are the current conditions of the College main Library and College Clinic, shortage of lecture Halls, office accommodations and lackadaisical attitude of some staff to work etc
The Council took out time to go round the College with some Management Staff for acquaintance with the academic environment to see with their eyes, the infrastructures on the ground.
In his submission the Chairman of the Council Barrister Almustapha Sulaiman Hassan who presided over the meeting commended and appreciated the courage and efforts of the Provost and his Management team for prudently managing the little resources of the College and promised to create a workin synergy with the existing staff to ensure that the College is taken to greater height.
Also in the attendance were all other members of the Board nominated by His Excellency the Executive Governor of Bauchi State Senator Bala Muhammad Abdulkadir (Kauran Bauchi), Barr. Aliyu Bn Idris (Solicitor General and Reps Ministry of Justice) Alh. Hassan Rilwanu (Reps Ministry of Finance), Hajiya Aishatu Aminu (Reps Ministry of Education), Malam Sulaiman Zangina (Reps NCCE), Alh. Musa Buba Konkiyal, Alh. Adamu Usman Labour, Alh. Garba Saleh, Haj. Suwaiba Suwaibidu, Hon. Manman Magaji, Alh. Moh’d Yarima (Sa’in Misau) Mal. Tata Nabordo, College Provost Dr. Auwal Ibrahim Amba, Malam Ahmed Idris Jalam (Chairman SSUCOEN), Alh. Madugu Hassan (Chairman NASU) Comrade Yusuf Abubakar (Chairman ASU) and Malam Garba Musa Gar Registrar of the College and Council Secretary.