
Thanks, Dr. Pate for FMC Misau

Dear Minister, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Development, Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate, on behalf of the thousands of youths of Misau local Government area of Bauchi state, we express our profound gratitude for the recent approval for the establishment of Federal Medical Center, Misau.

Honourable Minister, it was with great pleasure that we received the news of the establishment of Federal Medical Center, Misau under your office. By this singular act, you have shown maturity and exhibited respect to the good people of Misau, for which you have always been known.

The importance of Federal Medical Center for the good people of Misau local government area and environ cannot be overstated. For a zone bedeviled by socio-economic disparities, health concerns, and decrepit infrastructure, health care facilities like Federal Medical Center are a lifeline that provide hope and opportunities for the people.

Unquestionably, Dr. Pate deserves such gratitude for choosing his home town Misau for the establishment of Federal Medical Center. This will create job opportunities, ease the activities of people and restore the livelihoods of hundreds of youths who lost their jobs during the previous administration through verification of ghost workers programmes.

We will continue to pray for God’s wisdom upon you as you pilot the affairs of the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Development towards bringing into reality the better health sector of our dreams. May God bless you.

Lastly sir, as you remain one of the architects of modern Misau, we pray that may Allah the Master of all Kingdoms and the Owner of the Dominion continue to be your Shepherd and bless your efforts to take our dear Ministry of Health and Social Development and the country to higher heights, amin.

Inuwa Muhammad Goje,

Misau L.G.A, Bauchi state


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