
Northeast DSS Chiefs Collaborate To Fight Insecurity In Sub-region

By Khalid Idris Doya

The North-East Zonal Conference of State Directors of Security has said that security is not just mere absence of violence, but rather about creating an environment where citizens can thrive, families can feel safe in their homes, and where children can pursue their education without any fear.

The chairman of Northeast state Directors of Security (SDSES) Sani Abdullahi Bakori made the remark at the 17th quarterly zonal conference of State Directors of Security of the State Department of State Services comprising of six Northeast zonal commands hosted by the Bauchi Command of the DSS on Wednesday.

Alh. Sani Bakori said, “We will engage in discussion over the next few days. Let us focus on several key areas that are crucial for fostering security and stability of the Northeast through championing community resilience, community policing, strategic collaboration, and partnership with relevant stakeholders in addressing root causes of these challenges”.

Bakori said that It is therefore pertinent to inform the meeting participants that the World is changing, while technology is also very relevant in discharging their mandates, hence the need to be guided by spirit of collaboration, innovation and determination to surmount the challenges.

He explained that each of the participants has a role to play in building a better and more secured Northeast and Nigeria, and urged all stakeholders to commit actionable strategy and hold each other accountable as they walk towards deliberating solutions that would make changeable difference in the lives of their people.

Bakori concluded, “Let us remember that the true measure of our success will not be in strategies we develop, but in the lives we touch and the communities we restore peaceful atmosphere, as together we can create a future where security is not just a dream but a reality for all citizens of the Northeast”.

Bauchi State Director of Security (DSS), Nafi’u Bello had in a welcome address said that the meeting offers a platform for the participants to share knowledge, experience and strategies aimed at enhancing security and stability in the sub-region.

“We will discuss pressing issues and discuss areas of collaboration and forge partnership that would help us overcome our common security challenges.

Bello appreciated the Bauchi state government, State Council of Chiefs, and other stakeholders for the sustained support to the state common’s vision towards executing its mandate, and assured all, the service and commitment towards guaranteeing security in the Northeast in particular and the country at large.

The Emir of Bauchi, Dr. Rilwanu Suleiman Adamu has earlier said that the event is a testament to their collective commitment of ensuring the safety and security of the Northeast sub-region.

The Emir, who is the father of the Day at the occasion, noted that the security challenges the sub-region is facing are enormous, but throughn’t security agencies’ collaboration and dedication, they would be overcome and effect a more secure and prosperous future for all.

The Dr. Rilwanu Suleiman Adamu commended the organizers of the event for their foresight and with dedication in bringing together key stakeholders to discuss critical security issues, describing the efforts as highly commendable.

Also speaking at The event, Bauchi State Commissioner of Police, CP Auwal Musa Mohammed, noted that no single agency can adequately address the complexities of modern security threats in isolation, hence the evolving nature of crime and insecurity necessitates a unified and coordinated response among them.

CP represented by deputy commissioner DCP Saad Yahaya explained that inter-agency collaboration is not merely advantageous, but rather imperative, saying “By consolidating our resources, expertise, and experiences, we can share intelligence and enhance situational awareness, as well as rationalize operations and reduce duplication”.

According to him, the collaboration would also harness specialized skills and capabilities foster a coherent, synchronized, and efficient response, recalling that Nigeria has witnessed devastating consequences of insecurity, but through inter-agency collaboration, they were able to achieve significant accomplishments.

He enumerated the achievements as disrupting and dismantling terrorist networks; executing joint operations against kidnappers and bandits, safeguarding critical infrastructure; and enhancing community policing initiatives, among others.

Declaring the conference open, the Bauchi state Governor Bala Mohammed said that the expertise of the Department of State Services (DSS) in intelligence gathering is indispensable especially as threats to security can emerge from any corner and at any time.

The governor acknowledged the critical role the Department of State Services is playing on maintaining peace and stability in the country.

Represented by his Deputy, Rt. Hon. Mohammed Auwal Jatau, Governor Bala Mohammed said considering the numerous challenges of insecurity currently facing the country, there is need for government at all levels to leverage on the capabilities of the DSS and other security agencies in order to overcome the obstacles.

He however emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of insecurity which include poverty, unemployment and social discontent and advocated for a robust network of intelligence sharing to address the security challenges through implementation of initiatives that promote economic growth and social cohesion.

“The conference reflects the collective commitment of Directors of the DSS towards ensuring the safety and security of our communities in an increasingly complex and challenging environment.

“The Conference could not have come at a better time than now considering the rising security challenges across the country. Indeed, the need for Security Agencies in the country to keep themselves abreast of these challenges and take appropriate measures to nip them in the bud cannot be over-emphasized.”

Governor Bala Mohammed thenu assured that as the Chief Security Officer of the State, his administration will continue to work hand in hand with the Department of State Services and other Security agencies to maintain law and order in the State through providing the agencies with the conducive working environment and logistic support for the effective and efficient operation.

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