
Man advocates synergy between fathers, grandmothers to boost exclusive breastfeeding

By Samuel Luka, Bauchi

A resident of Hardawa community in Misau local government area of Bauchi state, Ibrahim Haruna has advocated for synergy between fathers and grandmothers in order to boost the practice of exclusive breastfeeding among Nursing mothers.

Haruna who stated this recently while interacting with our Correspondent on the need to advocate for practice of exclusive breastfeeding among Nursing mothers in Bauchi, also enjoined men, particularly fathers, to collaborate with grandmothers in order to prevent them from exercising some cultural practices that could slowdown its practice.

Exclusive breastfeeding of babies for six months has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) due to its health benefits on both the baby and the mother.

As contained in a UNICEF’s Global Breastfeeding Scorecard 2023, breastfeeding has witnessed an increase by 10 percent over the past decade.

The scorecard observed the increase at 48% for 2023, close to the World Health Assembly target of 50% by 2025, with progress happening across different regions where numerous countries in Africa, Asia Europe and Oceania have documented large increases in exclusive breastfeeding with increases of more than ten percentage points in 22 countries since 2017.

However, Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) report 2021 showed that more than 80 percent of mothers in some states of Nigeria do not practice exclusive breastfeeding, a situation, Nutrition Specialist with the UNICEF, Philomena Irene described as worrisome.

According to experts, exclusive breastfeeding means feeding a baby with breast milk only, without any other foods or liquids (including infant formula or water), except for medications or vitamin and mineral supplements.

Babies who are adequately breastfed, experts say, have lower risk of having asthma, Obesity, type 1 diabetes, Severe lower respiratory disease, Acute otitis media (ear infections), Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Gastrointestinal infections (diarrhea/vomiting), among others.

Not only babies, Breastfeeding has health benefits for the mother too, among which include reduction in risk to breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Ibrahim Haruna who is a farmer and father of seven children said, since he came across information about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, he has sustained advocacy for it, not only within his family but even the neighborhood.

“I have been supporting my wife in every aspect of life, most especially the need for her to breastfeed our children exclusively with breast milk for six months”, he said.

Haruna who regretted that before he came to know about exclusive breastfeeding, four of his children did not benefitted, said that the situation has had negative health impact on their lives.

“Before I got enlightened by the authorities, I had four children who couldn’t have the opportunity to be fed exclusively with breast milk for six months, as a result, they often fell sick and I spent a lot of money to treat them”, Haruna recalled.

According to him, after having the awareness on the benefit of exclusive breastfeeding to children and the Nursing mothers, he has been the one reminding his wife about it once she is put to bed.

“I have also been telling my neighbors and friends to encourage their wives, luckily enough, none of them have rejected because they have seen the outcome in my last three children”, he said.

Haruna while emphasizing the need for husbands to support and encourage their wives to embrace the practice, said by doing so, they will see the positive impact it will make in the health of their children and the Nursing mothers as well.

He further advised husbands to ensure that their wives takes all the needed immunization for their children, urging them to also support their wives attain regular antenatal care, among other health care services to enhance their health conditions.

He also urged husbands to discourage their wives from feeding their babies with complementary food until after the six months exclusive breastfeeding.

Haruna described as worthy of emulation in Bauchi state, a practice in Adamawa state where some communities selected men as volunteers to carry out door- to-door advocacy for the practice of exclusive breastfeeding, adding that such initiative will no doubt, increase participation among Nursing mothers.

“I think we need to have such a group in Bauchi, men who would volunteer to be championing this cause, it will increase the awareness of husbands who are decision makers in the various houses to encourage nursing mothers to that regard”, he said.

“My first four children were not exclusively breastfed because I was not aware of its importance, but when I became aware, I ensured that the last three are breastfed exclusively and I was able to convince my wife and she cooperated”, Haruna stated.

“Honestly speaking, I must confess that there is a great difference, the last three children look more healthier than the first four, they are also very intelligent, their educational performance is exceptional, they don’t fell sick often like the other ones, even if they do, it has always been a minor fever which paracetamol can easily heal”, he revealed.

Haruna further explained that the growth of the last three children that were exclusively breastfed is also different from the other four.

“Once you see them you will know that they are healthy, in fact there is no comparison between the first four and the last three children I have in terms of physical appearance and healthy living”.

According to him, there’s the need for stakeholders to take advocacy for the six months exclusive breastfeeding with high sense of responsibility due to its importance to the wellbeing of children.

At a recent media engagement conducted in Adamawa state by the UNICEF, Bauchi Field Office comprising of Taraba, Plateau, Adamawa, Gombe and Bauchi states, the District Head of Nyibago, Abubakar Jika mentioned himself as a beneficiary of Exclusive breastfeeding, saying that two of his children exclusively breastfed gave him no stress.

He therefore, pledged his commitment as a traditional leader towards championing the cause of exclusive breastfeeding for the wellbeing of children.

Philomena Irene, the the UNICEF Nutrition Specialist had said during the media dialogue that the fund is now focussing on fathers as primary targets to champion exclusive breastfeeding due to their position as decision makers in their various homes.

“This time around we are not working with mothers, we are not interviewing them, they are not our target for the next one year as far as nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding advocacy is concerned”, she said.

“I mean, this shouldn’t be if we all know the importance of breastfeeding, it’s the first immunization, it’s safe, it’s affordable, it’s environmentally friendly, it protect antibodies”, she said.

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