

By sarki Azare

My freedom of expression on Dr. Sama’ila Dahuwa Kachalla as my Senatorial candidate in Bauchi North district under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is a right given equally to every individual to exercise the right to choose a candidate of his or her choice.
My decision unfolds my little experience in politics, with the breadth of issues facing Katagum Senatorial zone, because of the value it represents. I’m proud of my assessment from my innermost thought which demonstrates my confidence and trust in Dr. Sama’la’s will to salvage the zone from the present predicament it has found itself.

It is undisputable that, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) is the strongest opposition  party in the political landscape in Nigeria, with its structural leaders that define clear goals, assign specific roles towards reaching its target in whichever task cuts across. Fully coordinates specific activity with specific policies, procedures, and chains of command, respect to hierarchy, embodied by experienced politicians, who build power base through network and negotiate compromises.

Similarly, the political dexterity of Dr. Sama’ila stands outstanding and unquestionable, his popularity experience, integrity, passion, emotional intelligence and empathy endeared him close to his people. For these and many others not mentioned, people hold him dearly to their hearts as their choice.

Katagum district, otherwise Bauchi North Senatorial District needs a leader who will manifest the qualities of representation objectivity, promotional agenda, and propensity in the red chamber of the National assembly.  On the other hand, he lends ears to people especially his immediate community and environs. People pour encomiums and admiration on him for these and many other good gestures.

Dr. Sama’ila reaches out to the less-privileged people, particularly the needy and vulnerable ones at the time the time of need and support.
He opens doors for assistance, request for help, his doors for suggestion and advice are wide opened, especially from the knowledgeable and experienced people.
Dr. Sama’ila believes, no man is an island unto himself and nobody is perfect in knowledge and wisdom, he believes whoever wears the garb of knowledge, wisdom and knowledge depart him and he gropes in the dark trying to find solutions under his domain. He has put so many in the opportunity to get ahead.

On humanitarian services, Dr. Sama’ila renders logistic assistance to the needy. It started from mini to imprecise point, homeless, and victims of natural disaster and famines etc, are not spared from the relief efforts. Natural disaster and man-made disaster victims are also included. The primary objective of this gesture is to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. It may therefore be distinguished from development aid and humanitarian purpose which seeks to address the underlying socio-economic factors that pose serious brunts on human and social insecurity.

Leadership qualities portray ideas that combine experience and expertise. One of the attributes of Dr. Sama’ila as a leader is, the conduct he cultivates towards giving attention to people to open up their minds in terms of observations and advise when condition warrants. Effective leadership begins with the fundamental ability to listen to people irrespective of their differences which translates empathy and decorum in recognition to individual values in all spheres of life .

On political ground, his soft mindedness gives him the zeal and the confidence to adopt the role of instilling motivation, self-esteem and teamwork in reaching down the targeted destination.
As an experienced and far-sighted politician, Dr. Sama’ila has the overview of accepting effective ideas from knowledgeable and experienced people which add more value to his  political advances. He’s on the focus upon acquiring an efficient means of getting ideas towards appropriate implementation of tasks and activities to gain public support. He possesses the skills and the abilities to facilitate transformational process that leads to greater achievements.