

By Fwenshimwa Daniel (08066809033)

The aspiration of every leader is to be remembered for impactful projects that enhance the lives of the masses. To stand out among one’s peers, one must take risks and accomplish what many others have failed to attempt. The adage “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime” aptly captures the philosophy of leaders like Honorable Yusuf Adamu Gagdi. He believes that providing employment opportunities for youth is far more critical than involving them in political thuggery, which many politicians engage in.

Gagdi is a prominent employer of labor, a philanthropist to the vulnerable, and a provider of social amenities, embracing all regardless of religious, tribal, or regional differences. His leadership style has left indelible marks on his constituency and beyond.

Millions of Plateau electorates have witnessed and can confidently testify to Gagdi’s transformative leadership. While some politicians are remembered for their shortcomings, personalities like Hon. Yusuf Adamu are celebrated for their selfless services to humanity. Hon. Gagdi is a capable businessman, vibrant politician, and famous philanthropist, as well as a project initiator.

Honorable Gagdi never relents in his quest to bring positive development to his constituencies. The unsupportive words of opposers have never discouraged him from pursuing good deeds, which is why many of them have buried their hatchets and joined him. Talented Yusuf was born in 1980 and attended several institutions within and outside his state, where he garnered ample knowledge and practical skills.

Hon. Yusuf worked with many parastatals before delving into politics, where he rose to the rank of Chairman of the House Committee on Navy. In 2019, he won the Pankshin/Kanam/Kanke Federal Constituency election under the All Progressive Congress (APC). Furthermore, Gagdi sponsored several bills, including the Chartered Institute of Finance and Control of Nigeria Bill, which successfully passed into law, the Federal Polytechnic Nyak-Shendam Plateau State Bill, and the Nigerian Mining Corporation Bill. Beyond sponsoring bills, Yusuf facilitated over a hundred intervention projects across the three constituencies he represents. These projects include healthcare facilities, new and renovated classrooms, road expansions, and drilling and repairing boreholes.

Hon. Yusuf is regarded as the voice of the youth. He is smart and energetic among Plateau State politicians, in contrast to many aged politicians who should be reaping the rewards of their past actions. Yusuf Adamu has made significant contributions to his constituents. Additionally, young men and women from different local governments in his constituency were empowered with skills to become independent.

The projects Honorable Adamu executed in many communities are of high standards that could last for long periods. Gagdi’s ever-smiling face and open hands alone can make chaotic opponents bury their hatchets and embrace him because he offers financial assistance without being asked. Yusuf is indeed a blessing and a boisterous leader whom several constituencies and states pray to have.

Amiable Gagdi did not stop there; he paid for the WASSCE registration fees for all the secondary school students in his constituency for two years and has established e-learning centers for free JAMB registration, while others go to improve their computer literacy levels. He also initiated rural electrification and water supply to new settlements. The number of unemployed youths he helped secure jobs could never be fully ascertained.

The impacts and projects carried out by him stand tall and are of high quality. He would indeed be remembered for centuries, such as the construction of classroom blocks for over 6,000 students of primary and secondary schools. Numerous boreholes were drilled that have been supplying clean water to residents for domestic and other uses. He constructed linkable roads to enhance connectivity and ease transportation challenges in rural areas.

Moreover, Hon. Yusuf has made significant strides in healthcare by establishing primary health centers equipped with modern facilities and ensuring they are staffed with qualified healthcare professionals. His efforts have drastically improved access to quality healthcare services, reducing the burden of travel for medical attention.

In the realm of agriculture, Gagdi has empowered local farmers with modern farming tools and techniques. He facilitated training programs that educated farmers on sustainable farming practices, leading to increased agricultural productivity and improved livelihoods.

Education has also been a major focus for Hon. Yusuf. Beyond constructing schools, he has provided scholarships to deserving students, enabling them to pursue higher education without financial constraints. His scholarship programs have produced graduates who are now contributing meaningfully to society.

Gagdi’s commitment to community development is evident in his efforts to foster unity and harmony among diverse groups. He has organized inter-communal dialogues and peace-building initiatives that have mitigated conflicts and promoted coexistence among different ethnic and religious communities.

Additionally, Gagdi’s contributions to infrastructure development include the construction of modern marketplaces, which have boosted local economies and provided secure and conducive environments for traders. His efforts have transformed small communities into bustling economic hubs, fostering entrepreneurship and trade.

Hon. Yusuf Adamu Gagdi’s transformative leadership transcends mere political rhetoric. His tangible contributions in education, healthcare, agriculture, and community development have left an enduring legacy. Gagdi’s approach to governance—marked by empathy, inclusivity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence—serves as a beacon of hope and an exemplary model for future leaders.

Fwenshimwa Daniel writes from Pankshin LGA, Plateau State can be reached via; Fwenshimwadaniel33@gmail.com.

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