
NGO Distributes Sanitary Pads To Females Students In Bauchi

By Ahmed Ahmed

A Non-Governmental Organisation Attah Sisters helping hands (ASSH) Foundation in Bauchi has donated sanitary pads to female students of Government Day Secondary School Shadawanka army Barracks.

Mrs. Celina Lyop Jakawa of the ASHH Foundation said the donation of sanitary part to females students was part of 2021 the international day of girl child celebration with the theme “Digital Generation, Our Generation” on Monday in Bauchi 

Jakawa stressed the need for the students to always take good care of their health and bodies, especially during their monthly cycle in order to avoid infections.

She appreciates the Peace Club and Women Peace Mediators for  giving  the Foundation the opportunity to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child in the school successfully.

Also speaking Mr Joseph Sule Onuche of the Foundation encourages the students to always use technology in a positive way.

He noted that technology can be used to improve skills in every area of their life, saying technology can be used in carrying out research and other academic activities. 

“Technology can be used in many ways to better one’s life , citing an example of the use of their phones to make money via digital marketing.

“Rather than using it to only listen to music, chatting with friends or watching movies and pornographic pictures,” he warned.

On her part Mrs. MaryAnn Emmanuel, of the Women Mediator, charged the students to use their digital skills to record violence against Girl child in order to get justice for the survivor.

She also explained the implications of physical, mental and emotional violence which girls go through in life.

Mrs Esther Patrick, Director in the state Ministry of Women affairs and child Development urged the female students to speak out about any violence against them.

“Don’t hesitate to report and speak out about any form of violence witness or any attempt of violence or abuse to the authorities,” she said. 

Mrs Patrick appreciated the principal for giving them the opportunity to talk to the students about issues that would be beneficial to them. 

Mrs Bright Aniagbose speaking on behalf of the students appreciated ASHH foundation and their team for impacting much knowledge on them.

She pledged to put all that they have learned into practice and make good use of the sanitary pads distributed.

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