Ordinary Nigerians not faring well amidst economic hardship – Former Bauchi Lawmaker raises concerns

Samuel Luka, Bauchi

Former member representing Lere/Bula in the Bauchi state House of Assembly, Honourable Mohammed Aminu Tukur has expressed great concerns that common man in Nigeria is not fairing well amidst economic hardship bedeviling the country.

Hon. Tukur, a Chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) who made this known in his Facebook page Thursday, pointed out that the peace of the haves can only be assured when the have-nots are having something doing.

“There’s a simple adage which says; ‘the peace of the “haves” can only be guaranteed with the “have-nots” having something doing”, the former Lawmaker said in the post titled, ‘let the Poor Breeze’.

“Certainly the “Common Citizens” aren’t fairing well this time around as the adversity of the economy takes toll on virtually everyone, except a few”, Aminu Tukur added.

He said: “It’s against this background that I seek to suggest that the Government of Bauchi State should help in addressing the issue of Mining Activities currently providing succour to most of the less privileged in the society”.

The Ex-Lawmaker said he has come to realization that Miners and Merchants in monoxide, one among many other mineral resources currently augmenting the economy in most rural homes is being taxed unnecessarily and without remittance of a dime into Government Coffers.

Hon. Tukur advised the government to tax operators appropriately such that the non-receipt collection points should give way to legitimacy.

“I’ve personally witness toll points engaged in monoxide taxation without issuance of receipt to the Miners/Dealers and it’s my thought that this should be checked to give necessary right to passage without prejudice”, he further opined.

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