
Plan International Winds Off Project Implementation In Bauchi

By Idris Khalid

Based upon the successful implementation of one of the two health projects in Bauchi state, the Plan International has increased the proportion of women who deliver in the health facilities and attended to by a skilled birth attendant from 39% in 2016 to 48% in 2021.

The projects are Bauchi Opportunities for Responsive Neonatal and Maternal Health (BORN) Project funded by Global Affairs Canada and the Menstrual Hygiene Management project funded by Kimberly Clerk Corporation of USA.

The BORN project commenced in February 2016 to June 2020 with a costed extension period of 1-year project (Feb 2021-Jan 2022) in Bauchi with a total value of CAD15,650,694.

The Menstrual Hygiene project which has a total value of the KCC project of $600,000 commenced in May 2021 and is expected to run up to 2023.

National Program Manager of BORN project in Bauchi state, Muhammad Nasir Musa stated this during close-out event of Bauchi Opportunities for Responsive Neonatal and Maternal Health Project (BORN) Yesteday in Bauchi.

Ten Local Government Authorities in the state, Bauchi, Dass, Toro, Misau, Ningi, Kirfi, Darazo, Katagum, Jama’are and Gamawa are benefitting from the project implemented in collaboration with partnering Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN), and Community Initiative for the Promotion of Health and Education Sectors (CIPHRESS).

He explained that the goal was realized through a 3-pronged theory of change approach that increased demand and unlocked socio-cultural and engendered barriers, improved the quality and gender responsiveness of MNH services, and addressed governance and sustainability issues.

Other achievements of the projects are the establishment of health facility quality Improvement Teams including the development of the QIT operational guidelines and training members of the teams, and supporting the conduct of integrated supportive supervision to health facilities by the SPHCDA and other partners

Nasir said the project also supported the establishment of Health Data Governance Council and Health Data Consultative Committee, and strengthening the State COVID-19 situation room, through provision of data for synchronization and dissemination of results and supporting the monthly meetings on COVID-19.

Manager disclosed that it similarly supported the roll out of COVID-19 vaccination by facilitating supportive supervision to vaccination centers by the rapid response team and the State COVID-19 taskforce members. A total of 235 health facilities were visited during vaccination exercise

Other interventions of the project included supporting the Bauchi State Health Contributory Management Agency to conduct health facility assessment in order to access the Basic Health Care provision fund-Over 45,000 community people are now enrolled in the scheme.

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