

By Usman Abdullahi Koli

Bauchi state is one of the 36 states of the federation which was created in 1976 by the then military administration and has 20 Local Government Areas. The State is awesomely blessed with both human and natural resources, It was one of the pioneering states where Nigeria’s politics started. Bauchi is a home to the first and last Prime Minister of Nigeria, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa. Majority of the people of the state are hardworking and dedicating, especially at work. One of the blessed-brains is Engineer Shamsudeen Bala Muhammed (Dan Galadiman Duguri), a policy maker, a thirst quencher, voice of the voiceless and agent of tranquility at moments of chaos.

From the day Almighty created this world up to today, some are destined to rely on others for their well-being and survival while others are always giving out even if what they had would end on that cause. In life, one would come across people that are behaviorally upright, philanthropically worthwhile and totally selfless when it comes to financial issue; all these afore-mentioned qualities are stocked in Dangaladiman Duguri, The children are singing his name, the old are respecting him and the youths are imitating him.

One peculiar quality of Engr. Shamsu that made him unique is that, he does not like sycophancy; whenever he helps, he prefers not to be mentioned. He often travels far and near just to offer financial support to the poor, sponsoring their education and at the same time pay their medical bills. If societies could get someone like him most of the challenges bedeviling them would gradually fade out due to their perseverance, doggedness and endurance. The activities of Shamsu are like a cold breeze and soothing shadow to the masses under a scorching sun in a desert.

Unortunately, most of our leaders are on their mantles because of benefits attached to those positions, the philantropic shamsu is different because he can serve any position free of charge in-so-far it could bring relief to the lives of ordinary citizens. To make the long story short, Shamsudeen takes risk especially if doing so would make changes that is from persecution to celebration.

It is true that a person like giant Shamsu who always sleeps and wakes up with suffering of ordinary citizens in his heart, God opens new ways that doubles his income. He transforms the lives of others while Almighty grants him more on a daily basis; it is therefore pertinent that the best way for success is emulating the performance of this hero of assisting humanity irrespective of their differences.

Usman Abdullahi Koli,