

Misunderstandings open the gate for grievances. If grievances are not properly tackled, they lead to violence, which in turn claims several lives and valuable properties. Whenever violence or breach of peace erupts, the only action that governments in Nigeria take is to impose a curfew, which restricts individuals and vehicular movements except those on emergence work.

However, it is easy to find people within societies that have sufficient food in stores that might take them months or up to the end of the year. Likewise, there are some who, in most cases, are the mass majority, that do not have anything to eat until they go out and struggle. My point here is that governments should reconsider poor families in a situation like that of Plateau State, where a 24 hour curfew is imposed and support them with food items.

I am therefore calling on His Excellency, Barrister Simon Lalong, to help vulnerable and poor families with food commodities, and doing that would prevent the re-occurrence of burgling people’s shops or government ware-houses.

May peace reign forever everywhere. Amen
Mukhtar Garba Kobi

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